
A group of…?

I so enjoy meeting with apparent others to discuss non-duality. There are beings from all around the world whom I never would have had the pleasure of meeting were it not for our common interest… Actually, I would not call it an interest, an obsession or pastime. A calling?

This line of thinking brings my mind to the naming of animal groups. Sometimes funny, sometimes insightful. Groups we are all familiar with are: a pack of dogs, a caravan of camels or a swarm of bees. Here are some more obscure groups:

  • A parliament of owls
  • A cackle of hyenas
  • A crash of rhinoceros
  • A convocation of eagles
  • An unkindness of ravens
  • A bloat of hippopotimai

This, inevitably, leads me to, for humorous reasons, apply a label to my non-dual meet-up group… What do you think?

  • A kindness of friends
  • An awakening of beings
  • An awareness of awareness (my favorite)
  • A contemplation of nothing(s)

Just for fun…
