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Temple of Silence Document Library

A Non-practice for Self-Realization

This manual is not about self-improvement or becoming something you are not. It is about realizing what you already are—complete, whole, and fulfilled.

Last Updated 2024-09-30

Crossing the Threshold

While we often communicate through speech, the truest way to embody and share non-duality is through our actions, presence, and, as we'll explore here, poetry.

Last Updated 2024-09-30

Is the World an Illusion?

The world, as we experience it, often appears solid, tangible, and undeniably real. Yet, many spiritual traditions, especially Advaita Vedanta, suggest that the world may not be as real as it seems.

Last Updated 2024-09-30

The Collapse

In the world of duality, everything is defined by opposites: good and bad, right and wrong, self and other. The mind, in its quest to grasp and define reality, creates boundaries where none exist.

Last Updated 2024-09-30

The Tenets of Nonduality

These tenets are key concepts that help bring clarity and understanding to the recognition of our true nature as awareness.

Last Updated 2024-09-30

Embodying Nonduality

Non-duality transcends the boundaries of dualistic thinking, embracing the realization that there is no separation between self and other, subject and object.

Last Updated 2024-09-30

The Am-ness and the Isness

When we explore the nature of our own existence, a profound realization dawns—the am-ness I recognize in myself is not separate from the is-ness of all apparent objects.

Last Updated 2024-09-30

The Nondual Fool

The Nondual Fool is one who moves through life with a deep sense of knowing, yet claims to know nothing.

Last Updated 2024-09-30
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