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Featured Poetry

Another Approach

"Another Approach" invites readers to reconsider the conventional methods of seeking peace and tranquility.

Crossing the Rubicon

I learned that the phrase “Crossing the Rubicon” originates from Julius Caesar’s decisive act of crossing the Rubicon River in 49 B.C., an action that marked the “point of no return” and led to the Roman Civil War. In this poem, the Rubicon is a metaphor for the irreversible journey toward self-realization in nonduality. To cross this river is to relinquish the illusion of the individual self, leaving behind the false sense of identity that binds one to doubt and fear. The journey requires a complete surrender of the familiar, but in this surrender, one finds a profound and liberating truth. Enjoy!

Steadfast and True

“Steadfast and True” is a poem that arose this morning, I suppose in an attempt to capture that inspiration is transient, and also speak to the enduring power of past creative insights. There is only patience and acceptance here – the poems in “Take Heart, Seeker” and on this website remain, at least here, as True inspiration and remain a guiding light even in the apparent absence of fresh arisings. Gratitude!

The Heart of the Ocean

This poem emphasizes the contrast between surface turmoil and deep-sea tranquility. What non-duality offers is to realize stability and tranquility regardless of life circumstances!

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